

She stood on her tippy toes, staring into the dark pits of his eyes.
Holding his shoulders for balance she said: “Romance me love”
He smiled and said “Wait baby, wait for my heart beat to slow”
“Wait till I can breath again, in your presence I can hardly speak”
“I can hardly know real from dream, and my knees get so week!”
She lowered her eyes and gazed at his chest, fingered a couple of poking hairs
Then kissed his throat
“U Dazzle me love” she said
“And u haunt me” said he
He then took her by the hand and they started to dance
And the moon reached out to touch them in their trance
Their silvery shining eyes drew into a never ending glance
And their hands fused together, one piece of flesh
Their hearts interlocked
Destinies intertwined
When the music stopped, she lay her head on his chest & closed her eyes
“I’m falling deeper than I’ve ever known love”
He sighed and let his chin rest on her head,
“U and me both baby” He said
“U and me both”
She looked up at him and smiled
“Romance me love?”
Oh No BLaSha has tagged me!! Lool
This kind of reminds me of the 100 things post only shorter .. well .. here goes ;)
10 years ago: I set sail to Rhode Island, USA to study Architecture. Needless to say I spent a year clubbing and taking it easy, flunked and made myself come bk home lool typical teenage me ;)
5 years ago: Was in KU majoring in Information Tech. Needless to say, I didn’t wake up much for class and flunked again lol typical early 20’s me hahahaaa
1 year ago: I was in the Telecommunications & Navigations Institute. Needless to say I graduated 7 months ago ;p typical 25+ me realizing I’ve been having way too much fun and it’s time to get serious. About friggin time! lol
Tomorrow: hmm let’s see .. tomorrow is Friday. So, I got a treadmill to walk and a movie to see. Haven’t decided which movie yet. Any ideas?
5 snacks I enjoy: Banak, lollypops, small 7ab masri lol, unsalted black olives and taboola. Yeah I snack on taboola & olives, sue me ;p
5 bands/artists that I know the lyrics to most of their songs: Craig David (don’t laugh I have very rare celebrity crushes and he was one of ‘em lol), Sade, Dido, Linkin Park, I can’t think of anyone else but generally whenever I like a new song, regardless of the artist I’d check out the lyrics on It’s a habit of mine my bro finds highly annoying :p
5 things I'd do with $100,000,000: Immigrate to Spain ;p, get myself a nice lil’place there, Have my mom live in luxury ;), Invest some, Give away some to charity.
5 locations I'd like to run away to: Need I say Spain? Any tropical island, Italia ;), Switz (so peaceful!), shalehat road (my car is in the garage courtesy of Browther the Destroyer so yeah .. I’d like to go there ;/), San Francisco ;)
5 bad habits I have: Talking too fast, Trust way too fast, emotional eating, grumpy at low moods, selfish sometimes ;p
5 things I like doing: Singing, speeding sometimes, surfing the net, swimming, tanning.
5 thing I will never wear: something way too tight, something cut (they look funny on me, I’m big boozomed :P), a suit, those thin thin pointy high heels!!!, too much makeup ;p
5 TV shows I like: Dharma & Graig, 3rd rock from the sun, Frasier, Dr.Becker, Will & Grace.
5 movies I like: The butterfly effect, Love actually, Dude! where’s my car loool, That old feeling, Dead and loving it.
5 people I'd like to meet: Craig David lool, Mel Gibson *sigh*, Angelina Joli (I love the way she thinks! She’s nuts lol), Stephan King (I think if I met him I would just stare at his head with a wide open mouth and not say a word, How Does He Do It!!) & well last & most important, My grandma ;) I miss her so much!
5 biggest joys at the moment: Fully living & feeling every moment, I’m eating olives ;D, my health, my family, Anubis 7ayati ;D
5 favorite toys: Puppy! My stuffed dog ;D, Pinky the teddy, snake on my mobile, lemonade tycoon, tetris lol
Ok so now the tables have turned and it's my turn :) niyahahahha .. Lets see .. who shall I tag?
Ayya, Misguided, UzF.You're
I now officially tag ... drum roll PuppyLove (^.^)
For Bo_Ghazi & all u quitsters and quitsters-to-be out there ;)
I know I said I would be away from my blog for a while, mostly this was for lack of inspiration to write anything new. But I was still commenting around on & off and I stumbled across bo_ghazi's blog and I found out that he on day one of his smoke quit and that just made me PROUD ;D I love it when I stumble across a quitster. I love quitsters, I love thier persistence and thier fight for thier freedom and health. Way to go Bo_ghazi .. u da man ;)
Well here's what happens to the body when u quit smoking. For anyone who might be interested in knowing, quitting & even for smokers who might find this incoraging to make the choice to start being kinder to thier body .. who knows! ;)
The Quit-Lit Story
Two Hours After Quitting.
Nicotine begins to leave your system. Some people may feel withdrawal pangs. This is a good sign. Your body is cleaning itself out. Hang in there. Within two days all the nicotine by-products will be gone.
After Six Hours.
Heart rate and blood pressure decrease (although it may take up to a month for them to return to their normal rates).
After Twelve Hours.
The carbon monoxide is completely out of your system. Your lungs work more efficiently and you can do more without becoming short of breath.
After Two Days.
Your sense of taste and smell sharpen. In addition, your breath, hair , fingers and teeth will be cleaner.
After One Week.
Most withdrawal symptoms are completely gone.
After Two Weeks.
Your circulation improves. So does your confidence level because you feel good about your progress. You begin to think of yourself as a non-smoker.
One To Nine Months.
Your body's overall energy level increases. Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease.
Within Two Months.
Blood flow to your hands and feet improves, keeping them warmer. Your skin looks healthier.
Within Three Months.
The cilia (a hair-like cleaning system in the lungs) begin to recover and remove the mucous, so you can cough it up, cleaning your lungs and reducing the chance of infection. You may notice increased coughing for a few days.
After A Year.
Your risk of lung cancer is reduced and you have less of a risk of heart disease. Fifteen years after quitting, the risk approaches that of someone who has never smoked.
And well, not to discorage anyone but here also is the untold story:
Timetable of physiological change
--- The Untold Story ---
(What the quit literature doesn't tell you.)
20 minutes after quitting.
You begin looking for loopholes in your quit commitment, thinking about postponing the whole arrangement until after the next millenium begins.
After 8 hours.
You have already contemplated at least three murders and several other brutal acts of violence.
After 24 Hours.
Your city or town declares a mysterious and unforeseen water shortage, while municipal sewers are suddenly overwhelmed.
After one week.
You have consumed enough calories to sustain a Bengali village of 2000 for four years. Food shortages become critical within your region; pets and local wild animals become nervous.
After two weeks.
Quitzits establish early outposts on your face. Risk of Browser's Butt Syndrome (BBS) rises to equal that for 13-year-old boys with new computers and internet access. Smileys appear in your writing and begin to replicate :)
Within one month.
You have already begun to pester smokers and complain about the smell of their obnoxious cigarettes; IQ returns to low double-digits; Quitzits begin to function autonomously. Exclamation point shortages prevail across the land.
After six weeks
You may have experienced your first bowel movement since your quit began; if not, be patient, it will happen within a few more weeks.
After two months.
You begin to forget the pain and misery of the first week without cigarettes, and are wondering if you could, perhaps, remind yourself of what you've been missing; Quitzits establish territorial treaties with each other.
After five months.
Intelligence returns to at least 60% of its pre-quit level; concentration remains a problem, at only 50%; carpal tunnel syndrome incidence exceeds all known levels for any keyboard-intensive occupation; you have typed more words than are contained within all the works of William Shakespeare, but with more flair and "sparkle".
After six months.
You wonder why you ever waited this long to quit. It's way, way, worth it
And u know what! It IS worth it (^.^)
Again way to go bo_ghazi. You can do this.
This blog is taking a little breather (^.^)
Not sure how long I’ll be but I’ll be bk sooner than u know it ;)

.. UzF & JanJoon's blog problem is taken care of..
.. And Thank you my lovely little lady for showing me the error of my browsers ways ;)
UzF & La La Land. Commenting Trouble
Hey Uooz, I can't get into your comments page to comment nothing would happen when I click post a comment ;\ except I get a little "Tling" sound!
What gives!!
Same with JanJoon's blog La La Land.
Is anyone else having trouble commenting on anyone's blog?
maybe it's my pc! ;\
No poem. The words just won’t fit together this time!! It’s so frustrating!
So what do u do when you’re failed by the word?
Bitch and moan is what u do ;)
انظر كيف تضحك الشموع
حين يتعثر بي القلم
وتسخر مني الوريقات
انظرني ألملم حاجياتي بين سطورها
أقوم أتبختر
وأجلس على حواف الكلمات
I am a grain of sand with a brain.
Bliss & peace are mine to attain.
If I could just drop this brain and remain a grain!
Feel Like ...
...There is something stirring deep under the layers of smiles & laughes...
...Something dark and tainted wanting to come out...
...A poem about to be born...
...Giving birth hurts...
But it's the only way!
Bubbly Thoughts
Before u read .. This post .. Ma 3inda salfa .. Purg .. don't say I didn't warn u .. ;)
No point .. ma 3indy salfa ;p
Well, my folks R away for the summer which gives me the chance to make use of thier wonderfully large bathtub. My spiritual music is playing, my apple scented bubbles are as big & foamy as they'll get & my candles are lit; pink for love & peace of mind, green for relaxation & healing, yellow for energy & vitality. Last but not least; pure white, to ward off negativity.
Now In we go. Right foot in ... nope .. too hot ;I know what's missing!! ICE ;D
Ok, now there is a huge ice cube floating in the tub. So without furthur ado .. here I go again. Right. Left. mmm lovely ;D I still havn't gotten in .. just walking around bk & forth pretending i'm walking on the shore .. that ice cube is fun to play with!
- Have u ever taken a closer look at ice? It looks so beautiful! Transparent edges and white in the middle. Actually it's so pretty I had to leave the tub (after I got all in) to get the cam. By the time I got bk though most of it had melted but it's still pretty. And with me comming and going my bubbles almost vanished too lol.


This is beautiful ;) I feel like a dolphine playing in the water! The music is so relaxing and the water warm. Anubis is streached out next to the door staring at me lol .. good boy!
- Under water.
I looked at the window from under water, the light looks so magically warm & fuzzy! Every thing looks fuzzy under water. WOW! I just did that again and freaked out lol My hair (dark red) got infront of my eyes when I got down and the effect of red light for a minute was bloody!! lol chicken!
- Have u ever noticed how lovely hair looks under water!
No matter what it looks like dry, under water it always looks like mermaid hair ;)
Sometimes I like to draw & paint on boddies. A while ago I was reading with the radio on and this song came on by the black eyed peas and without thinking I grabbed a black marker and wrote a huge "Don't Lie!" on the inside of my left arm. It looks wanasa ;D Didn't wash off .. just got a bit .. yup .. fuzzy ;)
O.K. Now that I've played & splashed around to my hearts content like a little kid in a plastic tub. I think the situation calls for a little meditation .. so as PuppyLove said .. so hummm ;p
I almost fell asleep as I was watching my troublsome mind quite down ;) The water is almost cool now .. I'm in such a beautiful state of centeredness & awareness .. I'm concious of mother earths gravity beneath me & a vast space of planets & starts above! I can feel life happening all around me! It's such a blissful state of mind. I want to be like this always!
My hands are all wrinkled now.
- Have u ever taken a closer look at the complex lines on your palms and how they intertwine! I mean REALLY looked at them. And no 2 humans have the same finger prints!! sub7an allah!
- Have u ever experianced drinking cold water while ur body was under water? Have u ever tried pouring it onto ur face, head & the bk of ur neck! Brrrrrrr ...
I hear an airplane suspended in the sky above. I wonder where it's comming from or going to! I wonder how the ppl on board feel! There must be a multitude of feelings & thought up there right now! I could almost feel the excitment of a traveler ;) Wanasa!
Wel, all good things must come to an end. The water is cold now & am out snugly wrapped in my bathrobe. But before I go .. The music I'm listening to is "Claude Challe, Nirvana Lounge. vol.2". Incase anyone is interested ... although I doubt anyone has made it this far through the post lol ..
Have a bubbly day yall (^.^)
Thank You
Thank you Lord. Thank you for all the blessing you have bestowed upon me & continue to bestow. Thank you for this shelter over my head. Thank you for my health & wellbeing. Thank you for taking away my tooth ache. Thank you for free medical care. Thank you for my car. Thank you for my freedom. Thank you for my father. Thank you for my mother. Thank you for my brothers. Thank you for my sister. Thank you for my cat. Thank you for all the love I have in my life. Thank you for all the love I have in my heart. Thank you for all the friends I have & have had. Thank you for every person you sent my way with a msg or a piece of advice.
Thank you for the song. Thank you for the dance. Thank you for the birds. Thank you for the trees. Thank you for the sky & the air I breath. Thank you for my brain. Thank you for my feelings. Thank you for my awareness. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for the gift of gratitude & peace of mind.
Most of all Lord, thank you for the piece of you that I carry here with me on earth. I can go on forever, but I can never thank you enough. But you know that already Lord. So I'll just leave it there and seal it with a kiss. Thank you.
Dear friends, take the time right now to thank the Lord for all the beautifull things in your life & you will realize that you are more blessed than you know!
How To Vanquish a Demon
There are Tears ..
There is Strength ..
& There is Balance.
When you first give up an addiction, you are overwhelmed with resistance. Your body screams at you to give it that which it craves. A little devil keeps whispering in your ears .. do it .. do it .. do it. But u persist. You will not abandon your battle with the demon.
U Want This & It Is Yours.
So the battle goes on, as you claim your life back, minuet by minuet, day by day. And through it all, along the empty days slowly filling up; U encounter hours of sadness. U console yourself. This too shall pass. And you cry your past, your endless counting days & maybe even your future. You wonder; will this ever end? And as far below as you go.. it always feels like rock bottom!
And yet u still persist. U came here knowing this would happen. And you hold on. Till these little sad hours pass you by. Leaving you to revel in your new found breath & the joyous skips of your pink heart. All around you life is shifting. Your new perception is a marvel you never knew existed. And from these energetic moments, you gather your strength, knowing well that the battle is not yet done.
Between these tides ebbing and flowing; there is a single point of equilibrium. Where you can embrace your new found strength and forgive yourself its weakness, allowing your tears to flow not for despair but out of kindness to this body of yours. This wretched battle field.
I Believe, it is in this equilibrium of weakness & power that you can rest your arms and wisely conduct your battle. Here you may rest. Here you can vanquish your demon & go where u need to go, to join those with years of victorious battle behind them & the freedom of the open skies. After all, who ever heard of an unhealthy addicted bird taking flight? ;)
Ps: I first wrote this piece about nicotine addiction, but I believe it can be applied to any addiction. Dear addicted, reclaim your life & don’t be a slave anymore. Health is a blessing, stop flinging it bk into the face of God!