Thursday, August 04, 2005

How To Vanquish a Demon

There are Tears ..
There is Strength ..
& There is Balance.

When you first give up an addiction, you are overwhelmed with resistance. Your body screams at you to give it that which it craves. A little devil keeps whispering in your ears .. do it .. do it .. do it. But u persist. You will not abandon your battle with the demon.

U Want This & It Is Yours.

So the battle goes on, as you claim your life back, minuet by minuet, day by day. And through it all, along the empty days slowly filling up; U encounter hours of sadness. U console yourself. This too shall pass. And you cry your past, your endless counting days & maybe even your future. You wonder; will this ever end? And as far below as you go.. it always feels like rock bottom!

And yet u still persist. U came here knowing this would happen. And you hold on. Till these little sad hours pass you by. Leaving you to revel in your new found breath & the joyous skips of your pink heart. All around you life is shifting. Your new perception is a marvel you never knew existed. And from these energetic moments, you gather your strength, knowing well that the battle is not yet done.

Between these tides ebbing and flowing; there is a single point of equilibrium. Where you can embrace your new found strength and forgive yourself its weakness, allowing your tears to flow not for despair but out of kindness to this body of yours. This wretched battle field.

I Believe, it is in this equilibrium of weakness & power that you can rest your arms and wisely conduct your battle. Here you may rest. Here you can vanquish your demon & go where u need to go, to join those with years of victorious battle behind them & the freedom of the open skies. After all, who ever heard of an unhealthy addicted bird taking flight? ;)

Ps: I first wrote this piece about nicotine addiction, but I believe it can be applied to any addiction. Dear addicted, reclaim your life & don’t be a slave anymore. Health is a blessing, stop flinging it bk into the face of God!


At 2:51 AM, Blogger Misguided said...

Dear Peaches,

Well I quit smoking. It's been a while since I bought a pack..maybe more than a month.

Feels good. I hardly think about it.

Your Qnet Buddy,


At 11:11 PM, Blogger Purgatory said...

I see you still smoke :) good, stay that way.

At 11:25 PM, Blogger Peach said...

wohoo way to go Misguided ;) I just knew u had it in you. Have you tried excersize lately? It feels just amazingly WONDERFULL!!

afp ..
OoooKay ;)

Jeff, I'm right here for anyone to read, how can I be missed? ;)

put a cigar in it I do NOT smoke ;p

At 11:29 PM, Blogger Purgatory said...

you will :)

At 3:18 AM, Blogger Peach said...

Make me ;p

At 11:59 AM, Blogger ArtFiNaLe said...

Well written Peach...
I guess it all comes down to your will-power... still struggling with cutting back to one pack per day! :T

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Peach said...

Welcome to my blog awal ;) o secondly .. cut bk to one pack a day!!!!!!!!!
well, I don't know about one pack lol bk I can give u a couple of pointers;
1- Don't cut bk, just quit. It never works. I've tried it, heard it from everyone I know who has quit smoking and read it in every site against smoking. Cutting bk never works!
2- Will power is important no doubt, but the real trick is to love and nurture yourself. Craves only last for 3 minuets physically. The rest is in your head, call it habbit, call it emotional attachment, bottom line is it's not physical. When you acknoledge this with a loving attitude towards yourself you will find yourself accomplishing miracles ;)
So whatcha waitin for already .. throw that gosh darned pack already ;p

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Puppylove said...

I wish ya all the best...
Did ya read my reply at my blog where i said u were the 1st blog i read..?
Anyways im gonna say it here again...& i admired ur blog very much...ur gutsy!!

purg is shosho right..?
am i following..?

At 8:00 PM, Blogger Jelly Belly said...

WB has been a while...where did you disappear to?
I'm glad you are still smoke free!
I'm still trying to cut down o mako fayda :(
my mom was so disappointed she thought I quit a year ago and when she came and found out I'm still smoking she almost cried!
I wish I can do it cold turkey bas still working on that!

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Peach said...

Puppylove, Thanks hon that's so sweet ;D I'm glad you like my blog but to be honest I can't see how I'm gutsy lol in my eyes I am the coward of cowards ;)
and no shosho and Purg are 2 diff ppl they just share the same blog.

JellyBean ;) whatsup! your right long time no see ;) I've been around doing alot of soul searching & internal blogging lol.
That's so sad about ur mom ;\ worse than smoking is being stuck in no mans land where ur always quitting. Read my comment to ArtFinale, and did u join quit net? they sure helped me alot. ba3dain to tell the truth I used to be very bias about quitting cold turkey but no any more.. if your not smoking .. then it's working. so go ahead and try what works for u, as long as u never quit quitting .. u'll get there ;)

"Ya rab twafig JellyBean t7afith 3ala si7atha o ta36eeha strength to face the tryals of quitting. Ya rab sa3idha o sahil 3aleha"

aham shay how my prayer shifts from one language to the other in one sentance! I pray like that in real life by the way lol


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