Bubbly Thoughts
Before u read .. This post .. Ma 3inda salfa .. Purg .. don't say I didn't warn u .. ;)No point .. ma 3indy salfa ;p
Well, my folks R away for the summer which gives me the chance to make use of thier wonderfully large bathtub. My spiritual music is playing, my apple scented bubbles are as big & foamy as they'll get & my candles are lit; pink for love & peace of mind, green for relaxation & healing, yellow for energy & vitality. Last but not least; pure white, to ward off negativity.
Now In we go. Right foot in ... nope .. too hot ;I know what's missing!! ICE ;D
Ok, now there is a huge ice cube floating in the tub. So without furthur ado .. here I go again. Right. Left. mmm lovely ;D I still havn't gotten in .. just walking around bk & forth pretending i'm walking on the shore .. that ice cube is fun to play with!
- Have u ever taken a closer look at ice? It looks so beautiful! Transparent edges and white in the middle. Actually it's so pretty I had to leave the tub (after I got all in) to get the cam. By the time I got bk though most of it had melted but it's still pretty. And with me comming and going my bubbles almost vanished too lol.


This is beautiful ;) I feel like a dolphine playing in the water! The music is so relaxing and the water warm. Anubis is streached out next to the door staring at me lol .. good boy!
- Under water.
I looked at the window from under water, the light looks so magically warm & fuzzy! Every thing looks fuzzy under water. WOW! I just did that again and freaked out lol My hair (dark red) got infront of my eyes when I got down and the effect of red light for a minute was bloody!! lol chicken!
- Have u ever noticed how lovely hair looks under water!
No matter what it looks like dry, under water it always looks like mermaid hair ;)
Sometimes I like to draw & paint on boddies. A while ago I was reading with the radio on and this song came on by the black eyed peas and without thinking I grabbed a black marker and wrote a huge "Don't Lie!" on the inside of my left arm. It looks wanasa ;D Didn't wash off .. just got a bit .. yup .. fuzzy ;)
O.K. Now that I've played & splashed around to my hearts content like a little kid in a plastic tub. I think the situation calls for a little meditation .. so as PuppyLove said .. so hummm ;p
I almost fell asleep as I was watching my troublsome mind quite down ;) The water is almost cool now .. I'm in such a beautiful state of centeredness & awareness .. I'm concious of mother earths gravity beneath me & a vast space of planets & starts above! I can feel life happening all around me! It's such a blissful state of mind. I want to be like this always!
My hands are all wrinkled now.
- Have u ever taken a closer look at the complex lines on your palms and how they intertwine! I mean REALLY looked at them. And no 2 humans have the same finger prints!! sub7an allah!
- Have u ever experianced drinking cold water while ur body was under water? Have u ever tried pouring it onto ur face, head & the bk of ur neck! Brrrrrrr ...
I hear an airplane suspended in the sky above. I wonder where it's comming from or going to! I wonder how the ppl on board feel! There must be a multitude of feelings & thought up there right now! I could almost feel the excitment of a traveler ;) Wanasa!
Wel, all good things must come to an end. The water is cold now & am out snugly wrapped in my bathrobe. But before I go .. The music I'm listening to is "Claude Challe, Nirvana Lounge. vol.2". Incase anyone is interested ... although I doubt anyone has made it this far through the post lol ..
Have a bubbly day yall (^.^)
this is a very deep post, very thoughtful, I understood it all :)
lol I shoulda known!
Beauuuuuuuuutiful...great post..I read it all...thanx 4 mentioning me...I think this is a start of a beauuuuuuuuuuutiful friendship..
I 4got 2 tell u yesterday...don't buy the shampoo until I give ya the results...haram...just wait 4 my results..
Thank God!!! PHEW!!! lolololololololololololol
Ur hilarious..!
oh...& I LOVE BUBBLE BATHS with that same atmosphere u had...
PiPi, I know.
PuppyLove, waiting for ur results ;)
lol glad my bubbly thoughts could spike someone's interest ;)
Correction: It was Kuwaitigirl who said "so hum .."
Puppy I thought it was u ;)
Nice, I should try that sometimes :P
HopelessP, U don't need to you're in Canada ;) This technique is solly for ppl stuck in Q8 for the summer, with no beach house, no boat & no jetskie ;p
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