Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Veggies Aisle - Joy in My Quit

There was a post the other day on quitnet about how you reach for the joy in your quit. Up until then, I hadn't thought about that, every time I quit before I did, but this time it was getting old & I was tired of falling off the wagon, so my only focus was just not smoking. And reading all the beautiful replies I realized I was missing out by treating my quit like an old thing I wanted to get over with. I thought about it & found that the only joy thus far was pride in actually being quit, it is the greatest feeling & I am very happy about it. Nevertheless, I decided to look for more specific joys in my quit, then I got busy & I forgot.

Until about yesterday when I went to the supermarket & was walking down the veggies aisle. So I'm idly walking by, not really thinking of much, past the lettuce, the cabbage, the cucumbers, the apples and so on, then I stop, & start sniffing!! I smell something absolutely wonderful!! and it's very familiar .. I'm like .. what is that scent!! I look around in puzzlement then I'm hit by an AHA moment .. and I look to my left .. The Apples!! I can smell apples just walking by them!! I wasn't even close & the smell was all around me!! In bewilderment I walked up to them & started picking up apple after apple & sniffing them to the stares of shoppers, & in my head I'm cackling & laughing madly with joy, almost hyperventilating and shouting I CAN SMELL APPLES!!

Joy in my quit?!! I can smell apples just walking by them :)) I have a super nose .. something I've always had but stupidly flung away in a haze of smoke!!

I love you my super nose. I love you my quit. I love you my apples :D

PS: of course, I bought apples ;)


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