A thought I kept having … but never knew exactly how to articulate …
Without the observing mind, the universe could not exist; for there would be no consciousness to witness it. The whole history of the universe exists only because we were there to discover & record it, excluding of course, the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
The thought is arrogant & conceited … but it makes sense enough!!
I can think of no logical way to refute this idea. It presumes to put man back to his pre-Copernican place; right in the center of the universe. Could be; that this is exactly why it also appeals to me - the over blown human ego. Yet the very definition of; Universe, is “The whole body of things & phenomena observed or postulated”. Postulated means to “assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary”!
I am not talking about the God part of the story … look at it as an equation …
On the one hand there is this gigantic body we call a universe, on the other there is us; the observer who calls that body a universe. Without the latter to observe & name the former, could it really be said to exists?
Prove me wrong. Are there other factors to consider that would merit the existence of an unobservable universe?
If so, convince me. If not, consider the above thought a theoretical truth. What would this truth mean for us humans? Would it change our perception of life? And how would this change manifest itself in the material world?
I have no idea beyond this point …

So where, if at all, does 'God' come into the equation?
He don’t :) we’re assuming its just us n’ this big ol’place
I couldn't agree more.
*perky ears*
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