Cute Overdose !!!
Meet lil' Stewie
And of course, you know who he’s named after right?!
Notorious Stewie Griffin
Get ready boys & girl ..
Macho man Anubis

Aristocat Katya

Cool Sparky

Get ready to meet your new lil’ brother. Shake paws Stewie :)))
Technically, Sparky & Katya are not mine. They just stay with me cuz they know where the lovin at ;) Plus, their parents can’t keep them due to travel & house arrangements. However, Sparks’ been staying with me for over two years & Katya almost a year. So naturaly, I tend to think of them as my own :P even though I know some day they will be leaving us! *sigh*
Macho man Anubis

Aristocat Katya

Cool Sparky

Get ready to meet your new lil’ brother. Shake paws Stewie :)))
Technically, Sparky & Katya are not mine. They just stay with me cuz they know where the lovin at ;) Plus, their parents can’t keep them due to travel & house arrangements. However, Sparks’ been staying with me for over two years & Katya almost a year. So naturaly, I tend to think of them as my own :P even though I know some day they will be leaving us! *sigh*
In any case; I just can never get enough of this warm fuzzy love.
*flouting on clouds 1-10 on an overdose of cutteness *
*flouting on clouds 1-10 on an overdose of cutteness *
Congrats Peacha on your new addition to the family, is Stewie a teacup poodle? He looks like one.
Thank u :D
Yes he is also considerd a teacup .. His estimated adult weight is 1.5 - 1.8 killo .. Tiney!!
Wonderful pets! :)
Stewie looks cute as the dickens, but I hope he turns out to be a little less trouble than his namesake...
Sorry I haven't been around to offer much support and applause--I think I told you my mom is sick...
Thanks Jeff .. I'm glad to see u around I was starting to get worried ..
here, this is for you, use it well :)
ya7leeelhom ;)
and nice lovely retouched display pic of stonehenge :) i like it :)
Hey peach! how are the last days of summer going with you? So I wonder what do you plan with putting cats and dogs together? wishing for some pet-action? :p
Simper, 3asal moo! lol I just got Stewie three days ago & I still can't get over how addorable he is!!! n' Thanks :) It's not Stonehenge though, it's a lake grave .. not sure what the painting is called, I collect paintings I like from the web but they are so many I forgot what this one is called or where I found it :P
Uzz .. loool I plan to stay in touch with the wilder, primal side of nature :P n' are u kiddind me! They love each other! or at least Katya (aka Katenka & Katenkish) & Sparky (aka Sparks & Sparkooshi) do, playing n' chasing all the time. Noob (Anubis: aka Bisti; as in Noobisti :P) is a bit more territorial .. he's ok with dogs as long as they don't come near him .. he can walk all macho n regal right past the dog .. but the dog is not allowed to walk past him or it'll get a mean hiss! .. but anyway, I'm the pack leader in my house hold, so even with Noob .. I sets da rulez or he'll get a hiss from me ;)
my summer was great! traveling was a much needed break, but now I need a vacation from my vacation & all the food that comes with vacationing!!! u'd think u'd loose weight when u travel wouldn't u! NOT lol n' I miss my lil rascal petsies :))
how was urs? :P
Hi Peach
How've you been?
Salem galba wallah :)
Ya 7elwah Stewie :) Just too cute!
(How have you been Peach :) )
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