My Paradigm

The weather & view were so inspiring today, that on my way home after dropping my darling off to work, so early it was still dark, I couldn't resist going for a long highway drive. I wished I had a camera to share with you the beauty of all that I saw, I wished I could have taken a snap shot of my point of view, my vantage point, to show you, all that keeps my heart tethered to this land of ours despite the vanity of its people. But if I had a camera, I doubt that I would have been able to capture the magnificent detail of everything, instead I thought I'd take my best shot at describing it, and hope that I could give it some of the justice it deserves.
So as I set out singing along while Craig David blasted out of my stereo (sue me!) a vast sky of deep indigo greeted my eyes, stretching as far as I could see, relaxing over the spacious & dark desert land bellow. Dark clouds blanketed all in fragmented waves while a lone star still resisting day break, peeked out brightly like a smile from behind. I cranked open my window to get a better view of those beautiful cottony clouds & a cold, fresh wind rushed into the car brushing my face & embracing me, chilling my skin into goose bumps, jolting my still sleepy senses into wide eyed wonder & alertness & filling my lungs with life & coolness. Most of this part of the drive I spent pulling on the steering wheel as I leaned forward to better stare at that beautiful sky, I just couldn't get enough, I wanted to pack up all the sensations evoked in me in a bottle & take it home to stare some more.
When I finally decided to head back, I stopped at a traffic light with a few buses full of workers, I could no longer sing at the top of my voice (singing along to stuff while I drive is a silly hobby of mine :p) and I really liked the song that was up next so I stopped it & waited patiently for the traffic light to turn green. That turned out to be a good thing (and I'm not just saying this because I like to see the bright side in everything), because as I listened to the quite sounds of early morning, I looked over to my left & saw a few leafless trees, their dead branches pointing every which way, and among them a proud little tree (between a shrub & a tree really) still holding on to clusters of shy, tiny leaves, lush & green, swaying in all the directions of the wind & pointing up to the sky as if to say, we are small but strong, we are still here. Three birds flew swiftly by, greeting the tree & the newborn day. And as I sat there transfixed & mesmerized by the magnificence of something that seems so small, those magical little leaves sang a song of their own, the situation called for absolute reverence & silence. When the traffic light finally turned green I had to give myself a little shake to get back into action. By this time the sky was a little brighter, a soft & dark baby blue & the deep pink hues of dawn were just starting to creep above the trees & roof tops, but after that almost holly pause in time, shared with the little-big tree, I was feeling more meditative & reflective, I didn't sing much, but my heart was content nevertheless :)
When I reached home those cottony clouds were an absolute bright & happy rosy pink like a sassy girls lip gloss, and the sky was the kind of soft blue you dress newborn boys in, as for the lone star it had finally given up & gone to sleep. Sweet dreams lone star and good morning beautiful new day :)
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