Cute Overdose !!!
Meet lil' Stewie
An adorable lil’ toy poodle that will be joining our happy little family soon.
And of course, you know who he’s named after right?!
Notorious Stewie GriffinGet ready boys & girl ..
Macho man Anubis
Aristocat Katya
Cool Sparky
Get ready to meet your new lil’ brother. Shake paws Stewie :)))
Technically, Sparky & Katya are not mine. They just stay with me cuz they know where the lovin at ;) Plus, their parents can’t keep them due to travel & house arrangements. However, Sparks’ been staying with me for over two years & Katya almost a year. So naturaly, I tend to think of them as my own :P even though I know some day they will be leaving us! *sigh*
In any case; I just can never get enough of this warm fuzzy love.
*flouting on clouds 1-10 on an overdose of cutteness *
Troubled Sleep
Tossing & turning in a light sleep, the song of morning birds & the clicking of my mother on her lap top a few meters away, are the first things that penetrate my awareness. I ask what time it is; very early she says. I wonder what she’s doing up at this ungodly hour, then I remember; she was tired last night and slept very early. Myself on the other hand, I’ve been feverishly sleeping most of yesterday & last night. This ungodly hour is in fact; only ungodly to me! I sit up on my couch to take my flue medicine & ask her what the news is: they let Bashar go, the government is still quite about it, all is hush hush, not a word! I feel homesick. I miss Anubis & Katya.
I lie back down and try to catch some more elusive Z’s through my headache & congested sinus. What are they thinking! Are they even thinking at all! You don’t just grab a person off the street like that! What’s going on! We are a respectable & outspoken people, despite our short comings and have always been that way, when shit hits the fan we usually come out of our vanity & stick together, we tolerate injustice only to an extent. No, we are not perfect, we are hardly close to acceptable. And that makes our attempts at modernity & modern thinking & communication all the more precious. But this! What’s happening now, is simply barbaric! What age is our government trying to throw us back into! They are literally & in broad day light; raping our democracy! They are breaking the treaty of the Kuwaiti people with the earliest Sabahs! Our ancestors should be tossing & turning in their graves right now just as I do on my couch! For shame! I am still in shock & will probably remain so for a while yet.

How I miss my furry feline companions! I long to hold their warm little bodies, and sink my fingers through their thick soft coats, to feel Anubis snuggle & worm his way on my shoulder, between my neck & hair. Resting beneath my ear where his purrs vibrate & resonate in my head, putting me in a harmonious drowsiness. What I would give to look into those beautiful green eyes right now! Or to kiss the soft pure white space under his chin! By god! .. I have more
respect for a cat than our government apparently has for the people! My head feels worse, I get up to take a couple of Advils, before I lie back down, sink deeper into the covers, deeper into the couch & off back into sleep, thankfully dreamless this time, the drugs are finally kicking in.