Peaches & Cream
Friday, June 30, 2006
Are We Going To Accept It?!!
I know I won't, but I've been noticing alot of negativity around & I can't understand it, regardless of all there are plenty of positive points that we can use if we pay attention & if we stop sulking & keep our arms in our hands. This is just a battle, did you think you would have fixed everything between one day & one night!?!! The war is ongoing & it's Not over yet. So keep your heads up.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Creating Another Monster Called Marzooq Alghanim I
This post is a cut n' paste from Ayya's blog. The link is on the side bar under "Blogin Around"
It seems like Kuwait is cursed by Alkhurafi myth. For not only he is ruining our country by the power of his millions, where no one dares to stand against him, he is also preparing his smaller image in his nephew Marzooq Alghanim to extend his curse at least for a coming decade. Today I got a message from a reliable source that Alkhurafi had given his orders to withdraw 6million KD in cash from NBK. This amount of money he does not need to get the green seat in the parliament because by hook or crook he already guaranteed that , but he sure needs it to get back his legendary presidency post. His millions would be distributed in Khaitan, Rumaythiya, Khaldiya and what have you, to manipulate votes and scrutinize patriotic candidates.
It was not long back when Alshaab newspaper (click the link pls) revealed Alkhurafi’s scandal in transferring names to Shamiya and Shuwaikh constituent and now the little Alkhurafi is taking his uncle’s steps, but I have a feeling that this youngster is bound to exceed his uncle with his sweet talk and mischievous charisma.The information in these two posts were taken from the electoral registration sheets, and the pictures were taken as per the addresses given in those sheets, the number against each name represents the electoral number, check for yourselves.
First house: block 1, St. Haram Bin Sinan, house number 15
169Husain Ahmad Sultan Mahboob
123Hissah Khalid Ibrahim Abdelrahman Eltiwaigri
170Hamad Waleed Mohamad Jasem Mohammad Almubarak
61Khawlah Abdelrahman Ali Abdelrahman Almulla
62 Khawlah Abdullah fudalah irhamah alsilaity
460Marzooq Adel Yaqoob Jasem Shaheen Alganim
76Waleed Muhammad Jasem Muhammad Almubarak
Total number : 7
The last name; Waleed Almubarak is an ex-player in Kuwait Club and now he works in the administration office of the same club, and Hamad is his son. And if we exclude women’s names, we see how diverted each name sounds Also notice the opening in the wall where I guess a window used to be. This house looked and felt deserted and there is no way that seven adults could be living under it’s roof.
Second house: block 1, St. Nisif Elyoosif, house Number 34
263 Aman Johar Saeed
5 Basima Ahmad Ibrahim Almasood
89 Bashayer Naser Abdullah Abdelazeez Almasood
7 Tahani Jasem Mohammad Salem
14 Jameelah Mohammad Alabdelkareem Aljohar
100 Johar Easa Johar Mabrook
142 Khalid Ali Johar Saeed Aman Alaman
33 Aisha Mohammad Faraj Alhowaili
90 Abeer mohammad Abdullah Mohammad Alali
182 Foziyah Aman Johar Saeed
91 Faysal Ahmad hamad Aljohar
15 Maryam Ahmad Hamad Aljohar
146 Mona Ahmad Hamad Aljohar
245 Muneera Mohammad Ali Sultan Alsidairawi
96 Nida Abdullah Ibrahim Mohammad Alkhlaifi
Total number : 15
This house is around 500 m2, it looked also deserted with a seemingly broken hinged doors. I asked the Bangladeshi who was watering the front pavement if there were any residents; he said he’s new and there is only one Kuwaiti he knew.
This house belongs to Faysal Aljohar, Mariyam and Muna sound like his sisters, the rest of the names do not fit to be in the same family. But regardless of all this; this house does not look like it could accommodate 15 adults coming from several families. I also found out that Johar Mobarak is a resident of Alroodah and not Aldahiya.Could this be one of Marzooq's name transfers!!!
Third house: block 1, St. Nisif Alyoosif, house number 44
41 Badriyah Saleh Mohammad Saleh Alfahad
102 Jarallah Mohammad Abdullah Alsuood Aljarallah
164 Mona Saleh Mohammad Saleh Alfahad
Total Number: 3
This house was actually a big puzzle; although the name Ahmad Bader Alroomi was printed on its entrance door, there was no Ahmad Alroomi registered on the electoral sheets nor any other names that indicated a family member. The house was large and only three people were registered as it’s residents; two sisters from Alfahad Family and Jarrallah Aljarallah whom I found out that he's a resident of Aljahrah and not Aldahiya. Another big question mark.
No, that’s not all, check the next post please
Creating Another Monster Called Marzooq Alghanim II
Fourth house: Block 1, St. Yoosif Alrumi, house Number 6
143 Khaleefa hmood Ali Khaleefah Alshaheen Alghanim
139 Khaleefah Zayid Fhaid Zayid Alammar
85 Dalal Abdulwahab Fahad Ibrahim Abdulazeez Almutawa
177 Faysal Nazar Ahmad Yoosuf Alnisif
369 Mohammad Nazar Ahmad Yoosuf Alnisif
457 Mishal Yagoob Yoosuf Mohammad Alduaij
Total Number: 6
This house was another puzzle; the name printed on the door says Abdul Razak Ma3rafi, and looking in the list I found one name that matches but the address was not complete. The name was Abdul Razak Abdullah Mohammad Ma3rafi, a merchant born in 1947, and no other family members with the same name. yet, there are 6 adults who are supposedly occupying this address. Five males with different family names and one female. I also found out that khaleefa Alammar is employed by QNet and his residence is Salwa and not Aldahiya. Mishal Yagoob is also not Aldahiya resident. Could this be some type of name swapping deal?
Fifth house: Block 1, St. yoosuf Alroomi, house number: 34
101 Johar Aman Johar Saeed
19 Hisham Yahya Mohammad Alayoob
Total number: 2
Such a huge house for only two, no? I found out that Johar Aman’s sresidence is Alroodah and not Aldahiya.
I could not take the picture of the sixth house because there was a jeep with Alghanim logo in front of the house and the driver noticed that I was checking the house and he followed me until I was away from the area. The house was about 500 m2, very old, but did not seem deserted.
Sixth house: block 1, St. Harm Bin Sinan, house number: 22
258 Ahmad Kamal Hasan Ali
314 Ismaeel Kamal Hasan Ali
118 Husain Kamal Hasan Ali
131 Khalid Mohammad Husain Rashid Aldamkhi
61 Naser Ali Abdullah Yoosuf
56 Waleed Khdayer Mohammad Ahmad Ali
Total number: 6
Notice no female residents here and Waleed Ali is an ex-player in Kuwait club
Seventh house: block 3, St. 35, house number: 1
114 Bader Barak Yoosuf Yaseen Ali Yaseen
113 Barak Yoosuf Yaseen Ali Yaseen
110 Shareefah Barak Yoosuf Yaseen Ali Yaseen
793 Ali Abdulazeez Yoosuf Abdulwahab Abdulazeez Algatan
95 yoosuf Abdulazeez Yoosuf Abdulwahab Abdulazeez Algatan
Total number: 5
Also here no female residents. Barak Yoosuf Yaseen Ali Yaseen works for Kuwait Club and his residence is Alroodah and not Aldahiya and Bader is his son.
Eighth house: block 3, St. Abo Yoosuf Alghadi, house number 14
232 Ahmad Dekheel Abdulazeez Alesaimi
72 BaderDekheel Abdulazeez Alesaimi Dekheel Abdulazeez Alesaimi
98 Saood Faisal thnayan bin thnayan Alghanim
378 Munther yoosuf Saleem muftah Alnasar
63 Waleed Mohammad Naser Almandeel
Total residents:5
Ahmad and Bader Dekheel Abdulazeez Alesaimi are Marzooq Alghanim’s cousins and Waleed Mohammad Naser Almandeel is an ex-player in Kuwait Club. Also no female names.
Ninth house: block 4, St.44, house number 6
357 Amani Abas Abdulameer Abduimam jawad sulaiman
219 Sara jasem Mohammad Abdulazeez Aljaser
147 Sumayah Rasheed Salem Ahmad Salem Alameeri
778 Abdulmuhsin Abdullah Abdulmuhsin Abdulrazaq Alshiryam
453 Mohammad Hamdan Abdulazeez Alhamdan
96 Yoosuf Abdullah Mohammad AbdullahAbdulwahab Almajid
Total number: 6
Three different women with different family names and three different men with different family names. And bdulmuhsin Abdullah Abdulmuhsin Abdulrazaq Alshiryam is a player for Kuwait Club.
There were other registered names in Aldahiya but the addresses were not clear, and here are the names:
Waleed Khdayer Mohammad Ali- A player in Kuwait Club
Johar Issa Johar Mubarak- resident of Alroodah
Samer Mohammad Abdullah Almarta- a player in Salmiya club and a close friend of Marzooq
Msaed Abdullah Ibrahim Alkhezam- a manager in BMW
Abdullah Msaed Abdullah Ibrahim Alkhezam- msaed’s son
And finally;
Majdi Yihya Mohammad Abdelrahman Ganam; a candidate in the second constituent, he works as the human resources manager of A3yan where the head of the administration board is Ali Thnayan Alghanim. Could this be an extra I mentioned in one of my older posts for the benifit of Marzooq? We’ll just have to wait and see.
Well; this was what I could come up with
Wa ma khafiya kan a3tham
Many thanks to Ayya for her great patriotic efforts that were great enough to piss off Alghanim & have qualitynet; which is his, block her site for a while, only serving to give more publicity to the post. Thank you Quality ;)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Work Not Lost
Children of my heart, your work will not be lost .. Your words have been recreated on stickers & will be posted every where possible. But bear in mind that before they came on paper, they were already in our hearts as they are in yours. Now all that's left is to spread them around. They bear repeating ;)
Thank you so very much, Keep up the good work .. & don't .. I repeat .. do not give in to the hooligans of corruption. As long as you keep the faith in yourself & in what you're standing up for, you are invincible.PS.: Please everyone, stand together & lets spread these words. Each & every one of you can easily print a copy of this on a sticker with the name of their area on it & post it on their cars. It’s the least you can do & it’ll cost you nothing! But it will fill you with so much pride & love the more you see it around. We want an end to corruption don’t we? Start fighting then, if every single person did their small little part el 7isab ra7 yigma3 & woe to those who don’t recognize the force of freedom in the heart of a people.
There is a person who is not in my life now, but his blood is & always will be in my veins, even if he would like to ignore or deny that fact. He thinks that by denying me he denies my mistakes! I don’t hate him. I can never hate him. But I can blame him & I do. I blame him for a narrow mindedness I never foresaw in him – I blame him for giving up & refusing to be tolerant – I blame him because his love for me was conditioned by my actions.
I can’t apologize for my mistakes – They create me – They teach me – They are part of my life experiences – I am only sorry for how things turned out to be!
Then again … this is an experience too .. & with every passing hardship I grow stronger.
I can’t apologize for my mistakes – They create me – They teach me – They are part of my life experiences – I am only sorry for how things turned out to be!
Then again … this is an experience too .. & with every passing hardship I grow stronger.
Keep on teaching me Life ..
I accept.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Things I will do before I die …
Learn Spanish.
Learn Italian.
Learn French.
Learn to play the guitar.
Learn to play the piano.
Learn kickboxing.
Learn Akido.
Get a doctorate in English lit.
Teach ESL in Spain.
Live in a hut/chalet somewhere on a beach for a while.
Travel the world.
Learn to connoisseur food.
Have a baby.
Become a wise old woman.
Help as many people as I can & give as much of myself as I can.
Meet many people & make lots & lots of friends.