Things I will do before I die …

Learn Spanish.
Learn Italian.
Learn French.
Learn to play the guitar.
Learn to play the piano.
Learn kickboxing.
Learn Akido.
Get a doctorate in English lit.
Teach ESL in Spain.
Live in a hut/chalet somewhere on a beach for a while.
Travel the world.
Learn to connoisseur food.
Have a baby.
Become a wise old woman.
Help as many people as I can & give as much of myself as I can.
Meet many people & make lots & lots of friends.
Where would you like to have your last meal then? ;p
I'll leave it to life to surprise me with that one ;))
Hi peach! how have you been? :)
your list requires too much school time, but anyway let me know when you're in spain coz i'll be visiting! btw, im very close from accomplishing one item from my own list within this year 'inshala. keep us posted ha? tc :)
Jeff, Cats are a granted factor in my life, don't have to say it again, everyone knows peach is a synonym for cats ;P
Boxkicking eh! I should try that! ;)
Uooz, well, I've been taking guitar lessons & can play at a veeery begining level, I'm almost done with Spanish1, waiting to finish it before I can start English lit. And I'm familiar with the piano cuz I've been dabling with it sinse childhood, not to say that I'm any good ;P just familiar ;)
Congratulations on your almost accomplished goal! What is it, what is it!!! oh dooo tell ;D
I hope all your wishes come true.
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