
“ The romantic – that was what I wanted. I hungered for the romance of the sea, and foreign ports, and foreign smiles. I wanted to follow the prow of a ship, any ship, and sail away, perhaps to China, perhaps to Spain, perhaps to the South Sea Isles, there to do nothing all day long but lie on a surf-swept beach…. “
Richard Halliburton (1900 – 1939 )
“ Morbid thoughts, grey-green gloom, longings for death change almost instantaneously to a sensation of excitement and speed ….
Rainbow-tinted spray flies around and you know the elation on tearing through your own bejeweled paradise, free of all mankind.. "
Anita Leslie. From “ Love In a Nutshell “
Rainbow-tinted spray flies around and you know the elation on tearing through your own bejeweled paradise, free of all mankind.. "
Anita Leslie. From “ Love In a Nutshell “
I would go for the romance of the sea. There is nothing more relaxing for me than the sea. It opens up all you senses.
miss ur blog!!
Oi...I think I got lost & ended up here. Nice blog ;)
Sorry everyone for being away from my blog for so long, just haven't been upto bloggin for a while ..
Jeff, Thank you that's lovely! And thanks for missing me ;)
Little A, we need to get you into a fast boat or a jet skie to get the second one .. cuz it's actually my favorite of the two ;) Still, no one can deny the romance of the sea ;*
Sedna, 7ayaty .. thanks hon ;*
Mini, yeah rrrright .. by chance .. ;P It's good to see you here friend ;)
Mini!!! What a picture!! What .. Wha .. Why!! ekh .. lol
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