The Furure of Scince
Alright, so I’m reading this book called “What Are You Optimistic About?”, it’s a collection of responses by scientists & thinkers on the question, edited by John Brockman, & I came across something that could be a reply to my previous post on EXISTENCE! Go Figure ;)
Physicist, University of Vienna, and scientific director of the Institute of Quantum Optics & Quantum information, Austrian Academy of Sciences
“I am optimistic about the future of science. Science as humanity’s systematic endeavor of understanding nature is only a few centuries old. To believe that we have discovered the essentials of nature in such a short time is a sign either of arrogance or lack of imagination. So far, science has been guided by the (in my eyes) fallacious Cartesian divide between res cogitans “thinking being” and res extensa “physical world”. It is wrong to believe that the world out there exists independent of our observation, but it is equally wrong to believe that it exists only because of our observation. We have to, and we will, find a completely new way of looking at the world which will transcend our present materialistic paradigm. After all, we have learned in quantum physics that all concepts of material existence evaporate. In the end, we are left with probability fields – probabilities of the results of observations. I am convinced that in science we have just started to scratch the surface. Our understanding of the world will be radically different from the understanding we have today.”
How exciting!! ;)
“I am optimistic about the future of science. Science as humanity’s systematic endeavor of understanding nature is only a few centuries old. To believe that we have discovered the essentials of nature in such a short time is a sign either of arrogance or lack of imagination. So far, science has been guided by the (in my eyes) fallacious Cartesian divide between res cogitans “thinking being” and res extensa “physical world”. It is wrong to believe that the world out there exists independent of our observation, but it is equally wrong to believe that it exists only because of our observation. We have to, and we will, find a completely new way of looking at the world which will transcend our present materialistic paradigm. After all, we have learned in quantum physics that all concepts of material existence evaporate. In the end, we are left with probability fields – probabilities of the results of observations. I am convinced that in science we have just started to scratch the surface. Our understanding of the world will be radically different from the understanding we have today.”
How exciting!! ;)