Sunday, December 04, 2005

In Memory Of One Velveteer

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We’ve had some problems with Shadow, as the black cat became known; at night, he was nothing but a little silhouette hidden in the grass. Three days in a row we tried to catch him & every time he managed to slither between our hands & towels, then stand far away & watch us, never coming closer again for the day. Finally, he seemed to take things in his own paws, disappearing again. I can only presume him dead. And though I couldn’t do anything for him, to see how he came here when in need warms my heart. It’s gratifying & humbling at the same time. He opened me up again to nature, after being cooped up too long between books & words. For while we tried to catch him, I touched leaves & held trees, I sat next to a nest & diddled with a guitar, pretending I could play. Cookie; our garden feline, a white try color pregnant for the third time & my brother’s favorite, sat behind me & he was always watching from afar. Who said things didn’t happen for a reason! Thank you Shadow, rest in peace my little black cat.