Prayer vs. Meditation

What is the difference between them?
When ever I meditate, I usually have a feeling of god in & around me. There is also a feeling of connectedness and sometimes even communion. I’ve always considered it to be almost a form of prayer. In prayer, I feel the exact same way, a closeness to god, connectedness & communion. So in conclusion they are either one or indeed very similar.
Upon researching it online I didn’t find anything concrete & nothing professional, mostly other people’s opinions and ideas. It seemed I wasn’t the only one confusing the two. Some claim it’s as simple as Talking vs. Listening. And some claim that in our age we have meshed the two. This seems similar to what I’m doing, meshing the two. What’s interesting is that prayer and meditation are both included in most religions. In Islam for instance, we call it “ta’amol”, watching or contemplating nature and god’s creation to feel his existence. We also use a rosary with which we repeat words, just like a mantra. In Christianity there is also a rosary and a mantra, more over it is said in the bible “Be still, and know that I am God" Ps 46:10. Meditation at work again.
This proves that it really is a matter of talking vs. listening. But why then, do I feel in contact with god when I meditate? Isn’t that the purpose of prayer? And some might argue that meditation can be done by focusing on any object not necessarily focusing on God. I would argue back that God IS everywhere and IN everything, so what ever you focus on, aren’t you essentially focusing on god through it? And when you meditate with the purpose of having something materialize in your life, wouldn’t u then be talking? Wouldn’t u be asking the forces of creation (God in other words) to manifest something in your life? Sounds like talking to me!
So really what is the difference?
Any ideas out there? Anyone? Guru Ayya? ;)
i can see that u've been meditating and contemplating alot those days..
your posts are very deep, and inspiring.. i never thought of meditating and praying in your perspective..
i think i'm going to go meditate now ;P~
I don't like the title! It shouldn't be Vs. I think And is more suitable! They don't conflict.
ok your cat is ADORABLE!!! I love cats too...
meditation is great...I don't know why I don't do it more often...maybe because I let the craziness of life take over me and prefer going out and partying with friends over giving time to myself to contemplate. I need to reevaluate some things in my life...thanks for the post!
Charisma, yeah I got nothin on my hands but time baby lol. But I’m very grateful for my at-the-moment-dead-quit-life. In the beginning I thought I would go crazy with pure boredom and lack of direction or purpose but eventually I realized I really do need this time to contemplate, that god made it happen at just the right time ;) Isn’t that nice!
Yalla go meditate ;P
HP, maybe the don’t conflict but the main purpose of this post is to differentiate between them. I want to know the difference. I already know a lot about what they have in common but I’m loosing the vs. part which I think is very important if we want to fully understand and appreciate both separately. In my case for instance, I would rather meditate than pray. So how wrong or how right am I in doing this? Am I missing something through lack of prayer? If yes, then what is it? And if it was the other way around what would I be missing through lack of meditation?
Have you ever thought of it this way before?
JanJoon, welcome to my humble abode ;) and I wub u too ;D In case u didn’t know, the way to Peach’s heart is through her cat! Lol
Back in the days when I “used” to have a life ;p I didn’t meditate so much either, I felt the need to but I didn’t do it as often as I liked. I think the depths of spirituality you could reach combined with the conflicting emotions of right & wrong in everyday life scared me off! They just didn’t seem to fit together properly! But as I grow older I realize that a balance is essential to live a healthy, calm & peaceful life. Without our spirituality we become easy pray to stress and we suffer a great sense of loss that we do not understand. We usually contribute this to the fluctuations of our love lives, when in fact lack of spiritual sensitivity is one of the main drives behind these fluctuations. Our sense of loss is just us feeling & perceiving that we are not connected to god and in essence, no Whole!
I wouldn’t worry about that if I were u, If u do meditate once in a blue moon and wonder why u don’t do it more often, that means the seed does grow within you. When you are ready it will come to u naturally, just like a blooming flower ;)
In Islam, meditation doesn't require sitting in a place and concentrate & elevate.
It's a more of a continuous task, to contemplate and ponder God's creations. You don't need to reserve time for that. It could be while driving or shopping.
This overcomes questioning God's existense & power.
Prayer, on the other hand, is a way to thank God for everything. This is a must and it requires time.
Prayer's are our salvation.
That's a deep post Peach!
To come about your question; If it's taken from a "connection" point of view, Prayer is definitely a connection to the G-d with the purposes of acknowledging it, requesting assistance/material, thanking (as MBH explains), among other purposes.
Meditation, on the other hand, has generally a main purpose which revolves around improving one's own state of mind (was it karma?). Meditation can evolve to establishing a relation with surrounding nature and therefore to G-d as you pointed, if there's a belief that G-d exists in its creations.. But this is like taking the long way to reach G-d.
What i'm saying that if what's wanted is connecting to G-d there's the simple, direct way of prayer; whereas Meditation can serve as a sidekick if one has plenty of time, besides its main purpose of relieving one's own troubles with the soul.
So, how are you doing?
Hee hee :d
In Islam, prayer is time-out, away from what we are doing, to be alone with ourselves, in the presence of God and concentrate on giving thanks, asking for guidance, and a spiritual cleansing albeit a brief one.
The prayer ritual, beginning with ablution is the process of washing away negative energies, refreshing the physical body and re-energizing the soul.
I have often heard people liken meditation to prayer, where it is a time when we take moments away and turn inwards, to reflect and concentrate on our place in this universe.
Unfortunately, we do not all reach this stage of "cleansing" during prayer although we want to. Many times we lack concentration, listening to our thoughts and to other sounds around us - going through the motions of prayer but not really concentrating on elevating our mind.
Guru mara wa7da ya Peach, LOL
Ok, here is my opinion dear; meditation is one type of connection with the self, the inner you, the pure undiluted you that is buried under years of constant conditioning. It’s like cleaning the dust to expose the diamond underneath, and the highest form and the most powerful form of meditation is connecting with God. God is not out there where you reach to find, God is right here within us, we carry him in our souls, in our conscience, but we are too busy to notice and appreciate him by forgetting to appreciate ourselves, now don’t expect me to give God a name, a shape, a gender or even a form, I don’t know all that, all I know is when you reach within to connect with yourself, you’ll find him there, you are a part of the whole, and connecting to him is the only real heaven I know and believe in. It does not matter how you practice though to be able to connect; some may find connection through the regular Moslem prayer, some through Do3a2, some through counting rosaries, some through hymens in church and others through mantras in temples while others like myself through some silent moments of complete surrender, the main thing is to engage the mind’s full capacity in the act, to know that you are close within reach and you don’t need others (wasta) to get there, the place is not important either, although some places like mosques, churches and temples vibrate positively to get you there faster if you are a believer, but if you do practice regularly, a solitude of a special place at home that you designate for the act is more than enough.
And although some do not believe that God does exist, but when they reach within, they feel the magic of solitude in connecting with the self, so it does not really matter what you believe so long you do connect; call him God, your inner self or anything, the result is the same.
I'll meditate then get back to you ;)
MBH, So generally speaking you’re saying it’s sensing vs. talking.
UzF, oh it’s not a long way at all ;) u just quite down, reach in & woosh you’re there! The connection is there at any time and any place regardless what you’re doing. And the more you connect the more you stay connected, that’s the beauty of it!
I’m overwhelmed by all the info in here, how are u? ;P
Jewaira, This is a very interesting point of view ;) The perfect prayer there for is also a meditation!
Samboose, Actually both prayer & meditation relieve stress and ease your mind, and they both work all over with no specific direction. When u meditate or pray there is always the action of clearing the mind and concentrating on a single point, this point could be inside or outside. And there is the feel of love which comes from the inside, during either one. And the reaching outward; to the sky in case of prayer to sense a presence, and to the universe in case of meditation to feel it’s energies and magnitude. So there’s mind, heart, sky, universe, they’re all over!
Ayya, rings just about right to me ;) Both meditation & prayer are hence, different means to the same end!
Badoor, Overwhelmed too huh! ;)
Hanan, say no more sister, I know the heart of a meditative person ;)
Jeff, Conversation. I like that! And of course He is, for us guys & u guys ;P However, I’d like to know it in my heart, not from a religious point of view but from a more sensory source. How we feel during either one. But conversation rings just about right too in light of the perfect prayer ;)
You’re as sweet as ever ;)
Jenny, Hi there ;) I know me too, That’s why she’s my Guru ;P
Don’t worry about it, you’ll find your means ;)
I haven't read all the comments because I'm in a bit of a rush so sorry if this is a repeat!
Meditation and Prayer are the similar. Meditation is a part of prayer, the means to the goal "Prayer".
What is the intention that lays behind it? A General feel good/focused feeling? Or to find a sense of purpose, to connect with the creator? Every prayer and meditation that could last from a second to an hr of contemplation is different and encompasses a new experience, an insight if you wish.
My friend's aunt combines Yoga and traditional Islamic prayer together. I've been able to do that once before..its weird but makes much more sense together!
Badoor, I wouldn’t say that about your blog! It certainly has some interesting stuff ;P But seriously a romancer usually has some deep perceptions, I think u got it in u kid ;)
Mama Fusla, I agree with you that meditation & prayer should be two parts of a whole but I don’t agree that meditation is the means to prayer. I think they are both means to the higher end of reaching god! & you’re not repeating at all ;) U’ve just helped me finalize my thoughts on this matter!
About yoga & Islamic prayer, I believe that’s the way it’s meant to be in the first place. In prayer by default your mind should be kept silent as you feel the words being uttered by you, directed towards God. A silent mind & an open channel to the heart and the creator, sounds like meditation to me ;) good point!
Thanks Bora Bora, I’ll be sure to check ‘em out. Doing so right now in fact ;)
MsBaker, don’t worry about it dear I’m a slowpoke myself, I completely understand ;)
Again, you are not repeating at all, on the contrary you have summarized the conclusion I have arrived to at the end of the comments. That they are both means to one greater end & that they complete each other. A conversation as Jeff put it. And that the perfect prayer, is a meditative one. I love how simply you put it all in one single comment ;)
Thanks everyone, this has been a very insightful & educating topic for me.
About the difference between meditation & prayer, I now think they cannot be compared because they both complement each other but I also believe that this is regardless of religion & regardless of the type of prayer. I think that as long as the will to communicate with god is there then it’s a prayer.
hmm .. i have no idea of meditation and prayer. ALTHOUGH, Id NOT like to call meditation a form of prayer. Prayer's what GOD's sent you to do in the way HE wants to. Meditating is your own way. And once you look in this prospect, you know PRAYER is definitely better.
Likewise,if you know what the term AHSAAN means in prayers. To perform SALAH in the way that you are performing right in front of ALLAH (SWT). Like HE's watching you. Reach that position and you have accomplished the true experience of SALAH.
Alas, we are but sinners and mere broken leaves in floods and storms.
What is AHSAAN ?
I described it in the same paragraph
TO offer salah as if you are standing infront of ALLAH
I described it in the same paragraph
TO offer salah as if you are standing infront of ALLAH
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