The KuKu Adventure
A couple of days ago a kuku peach decided to have an adventure. I had originally planned on a long random walk, but in a rare fit of good humor and un-laziness my little sister consented to come along. I had asked out of politeness, didn’t think my usually extremely lazy sister would agree! So the nature of the adventure had to change from random anything to a well organized family plan including all my favorite fun spots & less walking. I had to candidly disguise the walking bits so as not to discourage her & at the same time get her walking muscles warmed up. For the sake of my own privacy ;P I will not name some of the places we went to.
The first spot is a walk way on the sea front where u can also walk or sit on the sand. There are also some shaded areas designated for barbeques and families chilling together. And at 1 PM it was pretty quite. The only person we saw was an Indian guy we kept saying hi to every time we came and went! We got down on the sand and sat on some rocks taking pictures when out of no where a kitten came mewling at us! These guys follow me around I tell u! Lol We played with our little friend for a while and found out there was another one under the rock we were sitting on with a broken paw! The Poor little thing! They were so adorable! And they lived so close to the water, so I wanted to see what would the kitten do if I threw it in the water! I chucked her in (she’s a she, I checked ;P) paw deep only mind u, and she just stood there looking around, and then just pranced out like nothing was out of ordinary! How cool is that! Lol We decided to get them some food after our walk, which included a lot of sitting and watching the sea ;) (candid walking remember!)
Later, sweating like pigs & heady with fresh sea air we set out for some orange juice, peaches, apples, baby carrots, human biscuits & cat biscuits from Sultan Center in way of a light lunch. We went back to our little kittens fed them & fed our selves. There was a little family in our spot looking out at the sea, we gave their little boy some kitty biscuits for the cats & I smiled at the non comprehending eyes of the mother in borqa3 to reassure her that we were good girls in jeans and caps lol And off we went again looking for spots where there was a possibility of swimming in the future. We hopped the sea front like grasshoppers under the sun, from one spot to another till about 4 in the afternoon. Then we got our selves some deelish shawirma’s (Arabian style sandwiches with beef or chicken).
Our next stop after that was the walk way behind the scientific center. It wasn’t the walk I was interested in this time however, it was the little benches under the trees overlooking the sea & fishing missana’s. We headed straight to my favorite bench (I ain’t tellin wich ;P) where I took out my cheesy romance novel, gave sis my walkman & we sat back to back enjoying the sea breeze and the sunny looking energized ppl passing us by for a little more than an hour. On our way back we found another little adventure waiting for us. We saw a dog in the middle of a fenced park near the parking lot. He looks just like the dog in Frasier, Eddy! Only bigger and with a white body, now I’m a cat lover to the bone but I like dogs & I can tell u the exact opposite about my sister. She went totally nuts and had to just HAD TO touch lol. First I thought the dog was with someone so I gave her the ok, by the time I saw it was a stray it was too late, those two creatures were already in love with & all over each other! He even followed her bk to where I was standing and I ventured a touch to it’s head. Ya 7alaaata lol. We didn’t want to leave the dog there like that & we knew what the dog pound would do if they found it! A frequent jogger told us he sees the dog there everyday. So I called a friend of mine who’s very into dogs, she gave me the number a veterinarian who takes in strays and puts them up for adoption. I was answered by an American woman who thanked me for caring!! I think that’s extremely sweet because frankly I didn’t know anyone in this country Would care! ;)
So now the cats were fed, the dog was saved & our good deeds were done for the day. Time for a little walkasizing do u think? I totally agree. Our next stop I explained to my sister WAS about walking, no jokes. I decided it would have to be a 30 minute walk and nothing more, didn’t want to overwhelm my sister’s baby walking muscles ;) U’d think that we have more energy as kids and that we’d be more athletic when in fact it’s the other way around! We’re too lazy as kids and then we get older and start thinking “ I needz to get my azz in shape!” Then u start moving ur heavy behind! How come nothing goes the way it’s supposed to!! Hmm the irony of life and wasted youth ;) I love it!
So anyway, our 30 minute walk under the Kuwait Towers turned out to be a 45 minute walk and my sister didn’t complain once! She said the walkman helped but I’m thinking I musta done something right!! After all, me and bro are always debating weather it’s even possible for her to move without complaining and I did it! Lol Woohoo Big Whoop for Me ;D
And now I leave you with our days finds and treasures in the form of pictures that would speak a thousand words if they could ;)
The first spot is a walk way on the sea front where u can also walk or sit on the sand. There are also some shaded areas designated for barbeques and families chilling together. And at 1 PM it was pretty quite. The only person we saw was an Indian guy we kept saying hi to every time we came and went! We got down on the sand and sat on some rocks taking pictures when out of no where a kitten came mewling at us! These guys follow me around I tell u! Lol We played with our little friend for a while and found out there was another one under the rock we were sitting on with a broken paw! The Poor little thing! They were so adorable! And they lived so close to the water, so I wanted to see what would the kitten do if I threw it in the water! I chucked her in (she’s a she, I checked ;P) paw deep only mind u, and she just stood there looking around, and then just pranced out like nothing was out of ordinary! How cool is that! Lol We decided to get them some food after our walk, which included a lot of sitting and watching the sea ;) (candid walking remember!)
Later, sweating like pigs & heady with fresh sea air we set out for some orange juice, peaches, apples, baby carrots, human biscuits & cat biscuits from Sultan Center in way of a light lunch. We went back to our little kittens fed them & fed our selves. There was a little family in our spot looking out at the sea, we gave their little boy some kitty biscuits for the cats & I smiled at the non comprehending eyes of the mother in borqa3 to reassure her that we were good girls in jeans and caps lol And off we went again looking for spots where there was a possibility of swimming in the future. We hopped the sea front like grasshoppers under the sun, from one spot to another till about 4 in the afternoon. Then we got our selves some deelish shawirma’s (Arabian style sandwiches with beef or chicken).
Our next stop after that was the walk way behind the scientific center. It wasn’t the walk I was interested in this time however, it was the little benches under the trees overlooking the sea & fishing missana’s. We headed straight to my favorite bench (I ain’t tellin wich ;P) where I took out my cheesy romance novel, gave sis my walkman & we sat back to back enjoying the sea breeze and the sunny looking energized ppl passing us by for a little more than an hour. On our way back we found another little adventure waiting for us. We saw a dog in the middle of a fenced park near the parking lot. He looks just like the dog in Frasier, Eddy! Only bigger and with a white body, now I’m a cat lover to the bone but I like dogs & I can tell u the exact opposite about my sister. She went totally nuts and had to just HAD TO touch lol. First I thought the dog was with someone so I gave her the ok, by the time I saw it was a stray it was too late, those two creatures were already in love with & all over each other! He even followed her bk to where I was standing and I ventured a touch to it’s head. Ya 7alaaata lol. We didn’t want to leave the dog there like that & we knew what the dog pound would do if they found it! A frequent jogger told us he sees the dog there everyday. So I called a friend of mine who’s very into dogs, she gave me the number a veterinarian who takes in strays and puts them up for adoption. I was answered by an American woman who thanked me for caring!! I think that’s extremely sweet because frankly I didn’t know anyone in this country Would care! ;)
So now the cats were fed, the dog was saved & our good deeds were done for the day. Time for a little walkasizing do u think? I totally agree. Our next stop I explained to my sister WAS about walking, no jokes. I decided it would have to be a 30 minute walk and nothing more, didn’t want to overwhelm my sister’s baby walking muscles ;) U’d think that we have more energy as kids and that we’d be more athletic when in fact it’s the other way around! We’re too lazy as kids and then we get older and start thinking “ I needz to get my azz in shape!” Then u start moving ur heavy behind! How come nothing goes the way it’s supposed to!! Hmm the irony of life and wasted youth ;) I love it!
So anyway, our 30 minute walk under the Kuwait Towers turned out to be a 45 minute walk and my sister didn’t complain once! She said the walkman helped but I’m thinking I musta done something right!! After all, me and bro are always debating weather it’s even possible for her to move without complaining and I did it! Lol Woohoo Big Whoop for Me ;D
And now I leave you with our days finds and treasures in the form of pictures that would speak a thousand words if they could ;)

My Feet (^.^) On the rock

Sitting on the Misanna

Broken pawed kitty!

Her frisky little sister

Snails anyone?

Kitty in the Garden

Kitty on the Rocks

ah .. The Deep Blue

A dieing sun!

My sister & the rescued Pooch

An added bonus, we stopped at a store for water on our way back and found this young man with his pooch ;)
I knew it was gonna be a good KuKu day ;)
why walk!
Jeff, Why? “paw deep” I said, “paw deep only” ;P And do u think cats are so fragile?!! They can swim ;) they just don’t like to ;p And these cats were almost living on the water, if you expose a kitten to something from birth it will not be afraid of it later on, that’s why it’s encouraged to expose kittens to all sorts of loud noises and people and places. I once dressed my first cat Claude in a baby swimsuit and fully chucked her in, she didn’t like it but she swam out just fine ;)
Purg, Beeeeecaaaause it’s FUN ;P Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun. And a laaaake it ;)
MsB 7ayaty I’m so glad u feel the same way ;) I’m not alone! Hehe
It is very sad about those poor dogs, yesterday I went bk to the place to show the dog to an Austrailian couple who were coming to take it ( Pooch, my sister named him). They said most of these dogs were with ppl and were abandoned and most are very friendly. Our dog was rolling happily on the ground with all of us gathered around him! He was so happy of the attention he was getting. It was so sweet u can’t help feel sad about it!
As for sisters, MsB with 3 teenage sisters! I think I would go nuts with more than one!! lol I have to reluctantly agree though, she can be great company when it suits her ;) Allah ykhaleeha li o Allah ykhaleelich ur three bundles of teenage joy ;p
Badoor, Me glad U likey ;)
love the photos and the post. I'm thinking of doing alot of exploring on foot once it gets cooler too.
No, I wouldn't hurt a fly ;) And I'd enjoy it if Claude did that to me ;P
What do u like to sing Jeff?
Lady J, the weather is amazingly cool at night al ready. And ramadan is almost upon us, I love walking at dusk in ramadan ;) The weather always manages to be amazing in this month!
Glad you had fun Peaches and the pics are lovely ;)
Dear Peach,
Kewl.. I gotta tag along next time. LOL!
Elmohim... Mbarek 3alech elshaher.
Your buddy,
sounds like my kinda day!...good for you...I haven't walked there in a long time and now I'm gonna make a point of's always very peaceful even though it does get crowded sometimes...
Jeff, I simply flipped the question around, didn't say anything about a deal or a game ;D
Ok.Ok I'll humor u & answer that I like to sing anything u can or can't think of, from songs in various languages that I don't understand to meaningless unenvented & uninventive tunes I hum to myself. I fail to see what singing has to do with my adventure :P
Are U asking me if I know The Adams Family?!!
Ayya, Thanks dear, it was a lovely day ;)
Dear MisGuided ;P
7ayak allah, o 3alaina o 3alek ;)
MisCosmo, I know! I love how sounds always seem low & muffled there. Do u think it will be too crowded in Ramathan? & When do u think is the least crowded time?
From what I remember last was crowded from 8:00 pm before fu6oor is the least crowded...when everybody else is asleep...hopefully I'll get the chance to explore this weekend and keep you posted...
Thanks hon, apreciate it ;)
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